Date |
Title |
Link |
January 5 |
Be the Light |
January 19 |
Watching. Listening. Acting. |
February 2 |
What's the Plan? |
Date |
Title |
Link |
January 21 |
Priorities |
February 4 |
Healing the Brokenhearted |
February 18 |
Happy Lent |
March 3 |
Anger - Gift or Curse? |
March 17 |
Miracles |
March 31 - Easter |
Let Us Celebrate the Feast With Sincerity and Truth |
April 14 |
Freedom to Change |
April 21 |
Vocation |
May 5 |
Love Changes Everything! |
May 19 |
Renew the Face of the Earth |
June 2 |
In gratitude... |
June 16 |
It is Good to Give Thanks |
June 30 |
Your Faith Has Saved You |
July 14 |
Take Nothing for Your Journey |
July 28 |
Miracles All Around Us |
August 4 |
Bread for Life |
August 18 |
Wisdom |
September 1 |
Be Doers |
September 15 |
The Intersection of Faith and Good Work |
September 29 |
A Journey Toward Inclusivity |
October 13 |
What Must I Do? |
October 27 |
Shout for Joy? |
November 11 |
Things Unexpected |
November 24 |
Truth |
December 15 |
Seeking Joy |
December 25 |
Christmas Blessings |
Date |
Title |
Link |
January 2 |
Happy New Year |
January 8 |
Dreams |
January 22 |
What Do You Hear? |
February 5 |
You Are the Light of the World |
February 19 |
Love Changes Everything |
March 5 |
Listen to Him |
March 11 |
The Gift of Water |
March 19 |
Seeing With New Eyes |
April 2 |
Palm Sunday Questions |
April 9 |
An Easter Dress |
April 23 |
Wonder |
April 30 |
Voices |
May 14 |
Let All the Earth Cry Out to God in Joy |
May 28 |
What Was and What Can Be |
June 11 |
Mystery and Hope |
June 25 |
Shout It From the Rooftops |
July 9 |
I Will Give You Rest |
July 23 |
Hearken to My Prayer |
July 29 |
Heaven is like... |
August 27 |
Who Do You Say I Am? |
September 3 |
Celebrating St Phoebe |
September 10 |
Welcome to Another Year of Service |
September 24 |
The Last Will Be First... |
October 22 |
The Sacred and the Secular |
November 19 |
Rainbow |
November 23 |
Happy Thanksgiving |
December 2 |
Watch - Be Alert! |
December 17 |
Who Are You? |
December 23 |
A Prayer Before Christmas Dinner |
December 31 |
Let the Peace of Christ Control Your Hearts |