Become a Volunteer
I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. Then I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy." – Kahlil Gibran
Become a VolunteerThe amazing Ignatians West volunteers are mature women and men giving their time in service to others. They bring their talent, wisdom, skills, and experience to non-profit agencies to assist them in providing direct service to those in need. Rather than initiating service projects, Ignatians West matches volunteer skills and interests with the existing projects and programs of our partner agencies throughout the greater Los Angeles area. In addition, Ignatians West provides volunteers with the opportunity for growth through a yearlong program of shared reflection with fellow volunteers and through lay formation in the Ignatians tradition provided by lay leaders and members of the Jesuit community.
What we value . . .
- Service benefiting the poor and marginalized members of our communities
- Providing opportunities for group sharing and reflection in the Ignatian tradition
- Life experience, wisdom, and skills of mature volunteers
- Servant leaders, rooted in gospel values, working for social justice and the care of our common home
- Promoting the dignity and equality of all women and men
- Recognizing the presence of God in all things
- Prayerful support and spiritual formation provided by lay leaders and members of the Jesuit community